Dlaczego ludzie szerzą dezinformację? Badacze analizują znaczenie motywacji związanych z potrzebą władzy
Interview with Ana Guinote about recent DigiPatch paper
Debata: Mikrotożsamości w Unii Europejskiej [in Polish]
“Mikrotożsamości i wielkie narracje w polityce” – Przegląd Polityczny 184/2024 [in Polish]
From the ‘Experts’ Commentary’ series by Europe Direct and the Institute of Public Policy in Krakow: Presentation of the Digipatch project – on the impact of digitalization on electoral campaigns. (23.10.2023)
Komentarz ekspertów: Mity w polityce #30 [YT]
Instytut Polityk Publicznych [fb]
Blockchain Technology Report
Małgorzata Kossowska, as part of the DigiPatch project activity, contributed to the preparation of the Blockchain Technology Report. This initiative, led by Cyferium, is a pioneering effort in which Poland’s transition to WEB3 is comprehensively addressed for the first time. Małgorzata Kossowska’s analysis focuses on the social context of digitalization. The report represents the collaborative efforts of Polish WEB3 experts from diverse fields, offering a comprehensive insight into Blockchain technology—the cornerstone of WEB3, the value transfer-based Internet. Minister Anna Strężynska provided the foreword for the report. You can access the report here: The Cyferium Report
Podcast Interview
Rozmowa Barbary Brodzińskiej-Mirowskiej z Anną Siewierską, reprezentującą projekt DigiPatch – o mikro-tożsamościach, digitalizacji i zagrożeniach dla demokracji liberalnej w Europie. (online, 20/03/2024)
Article, Video
2st edition of the Media Info 2023 Conference “Disinformation and hate in the era of artificial intelligence. The pandemic of the 21st century”.
The main organizer of the event was the Institute of Social Research and Media, the Oksymoron Foundation and the Institute of Political Science of the University of Rzeszów and Rzeszów – the capital of innovation. Presentation of the Digipatch project – Digitization, micro-identities online and disinformation. (Rzeszów, 22-23/02/2024),ii-konferencja-ekspercko-szkoleniowa-media-info-rzeszow-2024-zatytulowana-dezinformacja-hejt-w-erze-sztucznej-inteligenc
From the ‘Experts’ Commentary’ series by Europe Direct and the Institute of Public Policy in Krakow: Presentation of the Digipatch project – on the impact of digitalization on electoral campaigns. (23.10.2023)
Komentarz ekspertów: Mity w polityce #30 [YT]
Instytut Polityk Publicznych [fb]
To know more about the process of anarchization, read an interview with Professor Piotr Kłodkowski from Jagiellonian University.
Tego potrzebuje społeczeństwo. “Albo wspólna narracja, albo chaos i anarchia” [in Polish]
Scientific seminar of the Polish Society for European Studies – Presentation of the Digipatch project – ‘From digitalization to anarchization: How social media influence social changes (online, 26.04.2023)
Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Europejskich [fb]
The first edition of the Media Info 2023 Conference, ‘Disinformation – the atomic bomb of the 21st century.’ The main organizers of the event were the Institute of Social and Media Studies, the Oksymoron Foundation, and the Institute of Political Science at the University of Rzeszow, the capital of innovation. Presentation of the Digipatch project – Digitalization, online micro-identities, and disinformation.
Bomba atomowa XXI wieku – dezinformacja [RP]
Bomba atomowa XXI wieku – dezinformacja [tokfm]
Jacek Karnowski w Rzeszowie: Franz Kafka, pisząc “Zamek”, nie przewidział, że będzie istniał pan Warchoł [wyborcza]
Samorządy nie wiedzą, jak walczyć z dezinformacją. Konferencja Media Info 2023 za nami [proto]
Public debate on ‘The War in Ukraine and different shades of euroscepticism’ – EUSCEPTICOBS. Organized by Wise Europa and the University of Rzeszow. Presentation of the Digipatch project – including online micro-identities in the context of promoting euroscepticism by right-wing populists. (Rzeszów, 25.10.2022)
The war in Ukraine and different shades of Euroscepticism
Article [PDF]
To know more about the digitalization of media, micro-identities, and social fragmentation read an interview with Professor Małgorzata Kossowska from Jagiellonian University.
Trwa radykalna przemiana społeczna. Naukowcy uchwycili dwie konsekwencje tego procesu
[in Polish]
If you want to know more about the Digipatch project read an interview with Professor Małgorzata Kossowska from Jagiellonian University:
CHANSE: DigiPatch [in Polish]