Knowledge Exchange – Resources

As part of the Knowledge Exchange (KE) component of the DigiPatch project, the Copernicus Science Centre prepared a set of activities and lesson scenario addressing the mechanisms underlying the functioning and isolation of narrow social groups on the Internet. These resources also focus on efforts to encourage members of such groups to become more open to contact and relationships.

Set of Short Activites

The activity collection “Being Online” is an engaging toolkit created to help participants delve into the science and psychology behind belief formation, the influence of social media algorithms on how we perceive reality, and the critical role of open dialogue. Through activities such as analyzing online “filter bubbles” and “echo chambers”, as well as reflecting on the subjectivity of human experiences, participants gain insights into the dynamics of digital environments. These activites practice critical thinking, empowering visitors to consciously navigate and evaluate the information they encounter while exploring their own behaviours and social interactions in the face of contemporary digital challenges.

Lesson Plan

In this lesson, students will explore the internet as a source of entertainment, knowledge, and social interaction while learning about the challenges and risks it presents. A special focus will be placed on the role of influencers in shaping trends, promoting products, and influencing opinions. Students will learn how to critically evaluate online content, distinguish reliable information from misleading material, and recognize hidden advertising and manipulation techniques.