Knowledge exchange activities as part of the DigiPatch project are carried out in cooperation with the Copernicus Science Center

Learning is propelled by curiosity, by our need for cognition. It constantly motivates us to develop our knowledge and gain new experiences. In Copernicus, we utilize both curiosity and the need for learning about the world. We create exhibits and educational programmes that engage people of all ages, personal circumstances, and levels of professional careers.
We also provide a space for cooperation between researchers, educators, scientists, engineers, and experts working on the social engagement of science. In Copernicus, we have been using work methods and experiences from different sectors to create our educational sets, solutions, and exhibits.
The objective of CSC’s work undertaken under the KE component of the DigiPatch project is to develop innovative KE solutions that address the mechanisms involved in the functioning and isolation of narrow social groups on the Internet, and efforts to make their members more open to contacts, relationships, and cooperation with others.
The CSC, along with societal stakeholders in the project – educators involved in formal and informal education (museums, NGOs, cultural institutions, think tanks) – will join forces in the process of developing the DigiPatch research and harnessing the findings by means of:
Knowledge Map:
The Copernicus Science Centre will hold an international workshop to prototype KE solutions addressing the isolation of narrow social groups on the Internet and promoting openness to contacts and cooperation. The workshop will include representatives from societal stakeholders, including educators, artists, researchers, and social activists from various countries. They will develop prototypes of educational solutions to incorporate research outcomes into educational and social initiatives.
Lay out – Let out 2024
Title: Countering Radicalism: DigiPatch research and its application in education

The workshops were devoted to (micro)groups and radicalization processes. Together with the workshop participants (teachers), we discussed how to use scientific knowledge on these issues in educational practice.
We will develop an interactive research procedures for our Living Lab space. This exhibits, equipped with appropriate software, will engage visitors in the DigiPatch research process, gathering data. The collected data will be used in research publications, while visitors will learn about the objectives and social significance of the DigiPatch project.
Intervention workshop:
The Copernicus Science Centre will hold an international workshop to prototype KE solutions addressing the isolation of narrow social groups on the Internet and promoting openness to contacts and cooperation. The workshop will include representatives from societal stakeholders, including educators, artists, researchers, and social activists from various countries. They will develop prototypes of educational solutions to incorporate research outcomes into educational and social initiatives.
Disseminating KE solutions:
Disseminating the DigiPatch KE solutions across Poland and Europe
Title: Bridging the gap between humanities research and society.

The session touched upon the concept of a knowledge transfer map that the Copernicus Science Center is preparing as part of the DigiPatch project.
Title: Experiments on display: Conducting scientific research at museums and science centres

The contemporary science museum sits at the intersection of public engagement, education and academic research. The purpose of this session was to further explore the feasibility of using these unique spaces as platforms for conducting social and psychological research.
Integracja-Interakcja 2024
Title: Research in a science center: A tripartite dialogue between the science center, researchers, and society.

During the session, the DigiPatch project was used as an example to discuss various ways in which a science center can support the popularization of humanities and social research. This includes initiatives such as creating a knowledge map or developing research procedures within a Living Lab setting.
Title: How to popularize the humanities?

During the session, the DigiPatch project was used as an example to present a workshop designed to develop a scenario for an educational session focused on counteracting the formation of (micro) groups and preventing radicalization processes.

Katarzyna Potęga vel Żabik
Holds the position of Head of the Research Department at the Copernican Revolution Lab, which is a part of the Copernicus Science Centre’s R&D center. The department’s focus is on advancing knowledge in the field of informal learning and developing educational tools. The research and evaluation efforts aim to better understand Communities of Learners and assess how the learning environments and solutions we design influence the development of essential XXI century skills, such as critical thinking and collaboration.

Marta Sałkowska
Holds the position of Senior Researcher at the Research Department at the Copernican Revolution Lab. Coordinator of R&D work in the “Science for You” Program, qualitative researcher with PhD in Sociology, long-time academic lecturer. Her interests include the social and cultural determinants of learning, issues related to small social groups, and disability studies.

Szymon Filipowicz
Holds the position of Senior Researcher at the Research Department at the Copernican Revolution Lab, which is a part of the Copernicus Science Centre’s R&D center, where he develops knowledge about creating educational tools used by teachers in schools and educational spaces that support the development of future competencies in learners. Conducts research related to the development of knowledge transfer methods between academic institutions and society.
To learn more about knowledge exchange activities visit our website under the bookmark – DigiPatch:
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