Talks & Events

DigiPatch project researcher, Davide Melita delivered a presentation titled “Economic Deprivation and Perceived Injustice as Predictors of Social Alienation” for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Convention (San Diego, CA, 8-10 February). The talk provides a brief overview of a number of studies conducted within the DigiPatch Project and how they can contribute to a better understanding of factors leading to social alienation.

On 29-30 January 2024 the first consortium meeting of the DigiPatch project was held at Jagiellonian University’s Psychology Institute (Cracow, Poland).
The main aims of the event were to provide a space for all team members to stay updated with the latest developments happening in the Project and to share their experiences and ideas for the future.
On the first day, there was a panel dedicated to discussing Knowledge Exchange activities of the DigiPatch Project with the Copernicus Science Centre representative, Szymon Filipowicz. Among other things, members of the DigiPatch team had a chance to see and try out test versions of experiments prepared for LivingLab (a place where visitors of the Copernicus Science Centre have an opportunity to participate in various scientific studies).

Additionally, there were also two very productive meetings held with the members of the Advisory Board: Arie Kruglanski, Darian Meacham, Ying Yi Hong, Stephan Lewandowsky and Mario Scharfbillig. The partners offered their insights on a variety of research-related issues, from theoretical concerns to practical applications of Project’s findings.
The two-day event turned out to be very fruitful and produced many inspiring ideas for the future. It was also a great opportunity for team members to finally meet in person and get to know each other better!

On 1-2 June 2023, a CHANSE Kick-off Conference took place in Tallinn, Estonia. The conference served as a spot for CHANSE-funded project presentations, networking, workshops, and inspiring discussions. DigiPatch researchers took part in a conference, and a representative of Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw, Szymon Filipowicz was also present.